2018 Competition Submittals
The American Institute of Architects Phoenix Metro Chapter, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Arizona and Arizona Forward call for groundbreaking proposals for the Valley’s most impactful green infrastructure project in a century - The Rio Reimagined.
09/04 Launch/start of Q&A period
10/01 Close of Q&A period
10/15 Registration deadline
10/31 Late registration deadline ($50 late fee)
11/20 Submission deadline, 5pm MST
11/26 Late submission deadline, 5pm MST ($50 late fee)
11/28 Jury meets, closed door
11/28 Winner announced at the AIA Phoenix Metro Annual Wrap-Up event
Entry fees:
$100 AIA Members and students
$125 Non members
Registration Form
Competition Brief
Note: There is no limit on the number of entries per person or team
Questions? Contact Diana Smith at Diana@aia-arizona.org or 602-252-4200.
2017 Competition: Infill Phoenix
2016 Competition: This is Phoenix